Childless Cat Lady

Emma Briggs
Sep 18, 2024

I am not a childless cat lady because of my own miserable choices.
I’m a childless cat lady because of the choice made by
You selfish, stubborn fathers and grandfathers,
To sacrifice our future
For an illusion of the past.

I don’t want a stake in your fabricated nation
Of invasions, power-grabs and perpetuated violence,
Of infinite growth and rising seas.
It is not a safe place
To raise a child.

Innocent forever, my cat will not know what you have taken from us.
Though you stole my unborn child from the world,
You cannot rob my joy or my love.
Whatever happens, I’ll take care of my little friend.
He’s always there for me.



Emma Briggs

Australian writer, environmental activist, hang-gliding assistant & former sailor, journalist & clown. Poetry collection available now.